Sent: 06 July 2009 14:23
Subject: Innovative Service Design for All: Re-public Special Issue now on-line
The Special Issue of the on-line journal Re-public (ISSN 1791-857X) on “Innovative Service Design for All” is now freely available on-line from the following link in two languages (English and Greek). http://www.re-public.gr/en/?p=1316#more-1316
It includes ten papers (see CONTENTS list below).
I hope this resource will prove useful to the design community,
and trigger fertile discussions as well as new networks of communication and research.
Please distribute this message as widely as possible.
Dr Artemis Yagou
Special Issue Guest Editor
Athens, Greece
Re-public on-line journal
Special Issue on Innovative Service Design for All, July 2009
Walter Aprile, Henrik den Ouden Runshaug and Eyal Fried - Applicable culture: Towards future services for the city of Milan
Mikael Runonen, Sakari Tamminen, and Petri Mannonen: Reflections on how service experiences arise
Qin Han - Mind the gap: Theories and practices in managing stakeholders in the service design process
Nicola Morelli - Beyond the experience: In search of an operative paradigm for the industrialisation of services
Soumitri Varadarajan - Service design for India: The thinking behind the design of a local curriculum
Saleh Ahmed - Inclusive governance strategy for urban services delivery
Gioulina Kokkalia and Aristotelis Skamagkis - Secondary education for all: The case of specific learning difficulties (dyslexia)
Georgia Bizios and Katie Wakeford - Learning and serving: Architecture students as community stewards
Rodanthi Tzanelli: Ceremonial Olympism: Towards an art of democratic dialogue?
Matthieu Lietaert - Cohousing: A new form of urban community-based network services
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